If you've been following my ReverbNation, Twitter, or Facebook updates, then you'll have noticed that I've finished writing my third song and I've already began the recording process!
For those that are not a fan on ReverbNation, are not following me on Twitter, or are not "liking me" on Facebook, join my ranks! There are only three hazing ceremonies that involve genitalia now instead of five!
But for real, I've announced what the title of the newest tune is as well and it's called...

Realizing the Betrayer
Dark, edgy, and a lot of bad-ass syllables. That's how I do.
This song follows the title as far as the subject matter is concerned and I'm really excited about its release since I consider this, one of the catchiest post hardcore full-band pieces that I've written in a long time.
Now mentioning my blog and the domain...
I've really been putting a lot of time and effort into customizing my blog template and I'll be finishing it off soon once I get the logo up in its place.
Plus, with all this new social media arising out of the blue with Flitter, Bobspace, and MagazineHead, I figured that I need to have an official headquarters where my friends and fans can always come to hear the latest news.
Granted, that's what this page is, but I decided to raise the bar and purchase a domain name:
That sure does look good. I never noticed how slightly symmetrical it is. It's just... beautiful... (soft whimpers).
But that's the bulk of it right now. I've just been so busy looking for my car that I recently purchased, that writing and recording have been on the backburner. For the last 4 weeks I had around 2-3 days to devote to music.
It made my ears sad.
Now, I'm responsibility free (for awhile at least) and I'm hittin' the mixin' board again!
For all those on my e-mail list, I'll personally let you know when the new tune releases :]
For those that are not a fan on ReverbNation, are not following me on Twitter, or are not "liking me" on Facebook, join my ranks! There are only three hazing ceremonies that involve genitalia now instead of five!
But for real, I've announced what the title of the newest tune is as well and it's called...

Realizing the Betrayer
Dark, edgy, and a lot of bad-ass syllables. That's how I do.
This song follows the title as far as the subject matter is concerned and I'm really excited about its release since I consider this, one of the catchiest post hardcore full-band pieces that I've written in a long time.
Now mentioning my blog and the domain...
I've really been putting a lot of time and effort into customizing my blog template and I'll be finishing it off soon once I get the logo up in its place.
Plus, with all this new social media arising out of the blue with Flitter, Bobspace, and MagazineHead, I figured that I need to have an official headquarters where my friends and fans can always come to hear the latest news.
That sure does look good. I never noticed how slightly symmetrical it is. It's just... beautiful... (soft whimpers).
But that's the bulk of it right now. I've just been so busy looking for my car that I recently purchased, that writing and recording have been on the backburner. For the last 4 weeks I had around 2-3 days to devote to music.
It made my ears sad.
Now, I'm responsibility free (for awhile at least) and I'm hittin' the mixin' board again!
For all those on my e-mail list, I'll personally let you know when the new tune releases :]
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