Happy Memorial Day!

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This is definitely a Memorial Day that will be difficult to forget. (Not that I want to forget it) It's just so freaking random how your day can start one way and end up as something that you never expected.

For instance, I thought that I would just spend my Sunday of Memorial Day weekend just swimming with my fiance and her cousins out at her grandparent's cottage by Lake Milton, but at the end of the day, I was pulling a stray dog out of freeway traffic at 2am and driving her to an emergency dog clinic.


Even without that last event, I still had an action-packed day with friends and family. 

It started with a giant table of food at my fiance's grandparents' cottage in Lake Milton. You know the drill. Embarrasing stories, kids running after golf carts, and girls screaming in the water

Later, we were just sitting around, discussing our problems, and trying out new alcoholic concotions. 

After that all passed, I was driving my fiance and myself back to my hometown where we waited for a friend to have a small fire for close friends. It was great to catch up.

We had some of the classic discussions of "Remember in high school..." and "What ever happened to So and So..." Plus I got to check out this awesome dock made out of tree limbs that reminded me of something from Hook. (Never Never Land and the lost boys)

When that little shindig ended, it was time to book my fiance back to her house... but not without coming across a timid Boston Terrier that was briskly walking along the median of Route 680, putting herself in the dangerous path of passing cars.

Now, I've never picked up a stray animal before, but this was dangerous and we were both worried of what the results could be of just driving on by, so I felt that we had no choice.

We picked up the poor pooch, contacted an emergency clinic that was open 24 hours and put her in some good hands until she was found earlier today by her real owners. It was really a load-off to find out that she wasn't just dumped.

That definitely occurred to me and those kinds of thoughts anger me to my limit.

I had to crash on my fiance's couch at that point since it was about 5am and couldn't imagine myself driving any more.

I'm happy to say that she's back home and happy now and that I probably gained some karma points. All in all, it was a great Memorial Day celebration, and I hope that your celebration was/still is just as awesome!

Happy Memorial Day!

Your friend,

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