I Can Feel The Eminem Within Me
Filed Under: Labels: Bands, Cover Song, Eminem, Let All Prevail, Rap
When you read this blog’s title, you’re probably thinking either of two things:
1. I’m a soul stealer like Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat and I’ve consumed Eminem’s inner spirit, thus taking over his identity.
2. I’m some skanky whore hanging out after one of Em’s shows... and I got lucky.
Hope those visuals helped you out.
What I’m really talking about here is that I had to step into Eminem’s shoes and go a little “8 Mile” on my cover of “Airplanes” because dang it, he’s probably one of the best things about that tune.
Don’t get me wrong. BOB put out a great beat and cool concept for the thing, but by comparison, I just can’t see him holding his ground against Eminem. I’m assuming, of course, that BOB is the creator of the beat and chord progression of the tune.
If he isn’t, then... psh.
So when it came time for me to lay down some serious vocal tracks for my cover, Eminem’s verse is taking me the longest to record. And why shouldn’t it?
I’ve been singing for close to eight years now, so when I stepped up to the mic to hit those choruses, I think I got those done in one night.
Eminem’s verse still isn’t done.
I got to admit, I have very selective tastes when it comes to rap and most of it I believe is just plain silly. Like happy-time polka. I get the same emotional feeling from both. I dance around doing high knees and have my fingers pointing into the air.
But Eminem; this dude has talent. I’m very impressed by his use of rhythm to create verses that go off the beat and then back on again so smoothly. I don’t think that a most rappers have the capability to do that.
But after getting through most of Em’s verse, I’m almost done with the tracking!
Then it’s on to mixing and mastering and then...
everyone gets this thing free.
I’m very excited about that, because deep down, I believe that all music should be free. And just to note, the reason why some of my tunes are up for download right now is because I’m waiting on my official album release to do that.
Gotta leave you hanging for just a bit folks. Sorry :[
But I’ve already had a handful of folks who’ve heard a sneak peek of my “Airplanes” cover say that they’re thoroughly impressed and can’t wait for the finished product.
A message to those people: Please allow 6-8 weeks for payment.
On a different note, I want to add a new spin to HonestKyle.com and that’s to mention more of the local talent that now flourishes around the area. I realize that most of the topics on this site have either to do with well... me... *cough*, or with some of the artists and groups that I’ve come to idolize.
If you’re wondering what groups I idolize, check out my little “Favorite Albums” widget in the sidebar. We might have something in common!
Anyway, I want to give more appreciation and “air time” to other local bands and DIY musicians just like me who struggle with getting their names on the bill of local shows, who whore their asses off to sell tickets just to see a few more faces in the crowd, and basically put in as much effort as a full-time job to keep their goals moving.
For anyone who isn’t familiar with the acronym “DIY”. DIY stands for do-it-yourself. And when you’re a garage band, that’s what you got to do.
And guilt your close friends into hanging up fliers for you.
So, this is a shout out to the other local musicians out there that have a site or blog like this:
If you’re interested in having a link to your site on MY page for all to see, contact me through the “Contact” page and we’ll get that worked out.
Support your local scene people!
Just to remind everyone before I wrap this up, Let All Prevail’s one-time reunion show will be August 28 and you can purchase $3 tickets from any of the performing bands listed here:
Let All Prevail
Steal the Spotlight
Chasing October
Gossip and Print
Take care and have a great Saturday,