Hearty Responses Deserve a Hearty Thanks :)
Filed Under: Labels: Cover Song, Eminem, Facebook, Free music, Myspace

(I have to keep putting who actually wrote it in each post so I can steer clear of copyright problems)
But it's really made me excited for the next batch of songs that I'm going to be creating!
And for anyone new to join my ranks, please follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and any of the other social networks that I frequent by clicking the large icons in the sidebar >>>>
I try to give updates on all the other bands that I like like Blink 182, As I lay Dying, Four Year Strong, Our Last Night, etc., so I can still keep you entertained :]
For those that don't know what my goals are, here's my checklist in order of what I
- Write 8 - 10 songs for a large E.P. or short full-length album.
- Record those songs. (This is the current process)
- Gain supporters along the way. (Doing this as well I suppose)
- Design and press real merchandise. (T-shirts, mugs, designer purses, etc.)
- Audition musicians for the LIVE HonestKyle band.
- Press the album. (Get it printed)
- Have an Album Release show.
- If all goes well... more shows?...
I should mention that since there's the possibility of this "band" progressing further than just the album release show, musicians who want to audition, when the time comes, shouldn't consider HonestKyle to be some sort of "on the side" deal.
I want to go all out. Make it huge. Crush it. Strangle it. Bury it. Harass its mother. Call it up late at night and hang up. Tell it that I've actually changed, get it to go out with me again, and then dump its ass all over again for the hell of it.
So don't wander in thinking that you won't need to put forth much effort. Unlike most bands you've played in, I AM A STICKLER!
(Somehow, putting the word "stickler" in all caps just doesn't give off that bad-ass vibe I was hoping for. Feel free to insert other words and phrases like "TOUGH NUGGET", "TORNADO WRAPPED IN A TSUNAMI", and "RENEGADE HAMSTER MACHINE".)
If you're a musician that's willing to practice 'til it's perfect, promote like a felon, sing ON KEY EVERY TIME YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, and know how to separate business and fun, then I'm gonna want to talk to you.
Oh yes, I'll talk to you.
But I'm really excited about the merch and all that other good stuff. I think that I'll have some original ideas besides just the normal CDs and tshirts so heads up for that.
But please tell a friend about the new "Airplanes" cover cause I would really like everyone to have free copy :]
Until next time, I love you all and hope you have an awesome weekend,