C's The Day
Filed Under: Labels: 534 Band, Let All Prevail, Ternion, The Senior Citizens, Wake the lion, Zombies Fight
You can consider this my first "official" post for the HonestKyle blog. With that being said... let's get down and dirty!
See, I'm super excited to be posting to this blog and doing musical things regarding writing songs from beginning to end and recording them because I seriously had a musical "wake-up call" or "rebirth" if you will. (Whatever semi-religious term you prefer) It all just hit me right in the face when recently one of Wake the Lion's guitarists moved away for better things.
Wake the Lion is the most recent band that I've been a part of. I was the lead vocalist.
Now that that's mostly over (We're still releasing the EP digitally and I have a couple more scream tracks to lay down next week) I've contemplated for a long time about what I want to do next. I've been a part of a lot of musical projects including, the 534 band, Ternion, The Senior Citizens, Britta Snowberger's band, Let All Prevail, Zombies Fight, and Wake the Lion.
All of them have been a blast. Completely awesome. When I think about it, I can't believe all of the great friends and fearsome enemies that I've made through each of them.

In the background, I had always been composing my very own songs whether they were solo acoustic productions or intended for a full live band. I just didn't know what to do with them so I made some recordings at the very least.
For those that are already familiar with my side projects, you've probably heard my aliases of "The Other Side of the Fence" and "HonestKyle" before. TOSOTF was my alias for the acoustic guitar and piano compositions I threw together and HonestKyle has been the name of my fake little hardcore/rock band.
As silly and trivial as both of these tiny projects appeared, I still put a ton of effort and time into creating solid music for both of them. The effort amounted to these albums:
The Other Side of The Fence
- The Benefits of Being Miserable (2005 or 2006)
- Killing in Retrospect (2009)
- HonestKyle (2008)
That first TOSOTF album... man... the recording quality was just terrible. If you have it, don't kid me. I know it was bad. But I haven’t cried about it in weeks so no wo

I recently released "Killing in Retrospect" and I'm pretty proud of that guy. It's my first set of songs recorded using all of my new equipment and software so it was a learning experience at the same time.
The self-titled "HonestKyle" was basically the result of ideas that would end up on the cutting room floor of the bands that I was in at the time. Honestly, if you're just a vocalist, you have a very limited influence on what the music is going to sound like. So, the ideas I suggested that got pushed to the second string were used for HonestKyle.
If you haven't heard any of the original HonestKyle music, I suggest you head over to the HonestKyle Myspace page and listen while you can because I plan on removing those songs very soon to make way for my "new sound."
Maybe I'll keep one. Who the hell knows?
So, I’m announcing to every single person that has an interest in my music, (the both of you) that I'm actually going to do something this time. I don't plan on just fiddling around with some songs and then begging my friends to listen to them. Not again.
This is going to be the whole shebang that entails:
- Music (That's a given)
- A Professionally Pressed Album
- Real Shirts and Other Merchandise
- Acquiring Musicians to Perform This Music
- Playing Lots of Live Shows
Now, I really don't know how long this is going to take me... but I don't really care either. I’m on an ambition high for the moment!
In the mean time, this doesn't rule out my inclusion in other bands or musical projects by any means. I would still enjoy other projects with the intent of playing live or having a fan base. It just means that my contribution probably won't be as strong. There it is.
Well, I think that's enough in this post. I just wanted to let you know that I have high aspirations, a whole crap-load of ideas to please my followers including free stuff and special promotions, and some extremely itchy feet to step back on a stage again.