Is your friend in a terrible band? Find out here!
Was vacuuming my apartment and caught a snag. There's now an 1/8th inch x 3 ft line missing carpeting. The F word.
X-men origins Wolverine is the best one so far.
When bananas are the perfect ripeness, it's hella amazing.
Gotta do some grocery shopping before I head home tonight. Running low on grilled chicken!
I like Captain America's older uniform better.
First weekend in awhile where I'm not setting my alarm. This is gonna be awesome.
I can't believe they canceled Awake! Bullshit!!
Had a good guitar session with Clay and John. Learning "Way With Words"! We'll pull the song together this weekend...
I wondering when Google+ will catch on. It's lonely in there.
Corn pops with chocolate milk isn't as good as I thought it would be.
Birthday burrito from Chipotle courtesy of my awesome fiancee!
Going to tell my mom Happy Mother's Day :)
Happy Mother's day everyone!
ADTR - Best breakdown phrases... "DISRESPECT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!"
Gym time. Squats, calf raises, and shoulder press.
The ATM at Marc's didn't spit out my 20s all facing the same way! It's a trap!
Often at work, I feel great about the efficiency I output, the progress I make, and the hard work that got me there. This is not one of those times.
Song stuck in my head today - Nicki Minaj Starships
Packing my lunch for tomorrow. Sandwich, banana, and a shaker bottle full of protein powder. Trying to get J@CK3D!!
You're watching a South Park episodes you've already seen 3 times. Damn it Kyle, just go to bed.
Had a good jam HK session learning "Falling Asleep" with John (guitarist)
So I almost didn't wake up today because I was dreaming about buying matching hats for me and my pet bulldog that I don't own in real life.
Hulk is my favorite. He's a real wild Charlie Sheen pretends to be.

Not a bad license photo...
Yikes! Its raining harder than a mofo out there!
Grabbing confetti cake blizzards for when my fiancee gets off work :)
Dairy Queen time! Get me fat mutha f***a!
It's rare to see anyone doing the big 3 at the gym anymore. When I do deadlifts...apparently I'm a freak.
Two Hollywood phonies try to give me their autograph...GROUND!