Why can't people do what they say they're gonna do? And then they ask why I do it all myself...
Making a drop off at Goodwill :)
Feels like a Space Jam night
I'm old Greg. Pleased to meet you.
Between Romney and Obama, my bed wins. Night all :)
May get out of work early! Retirement party! Score!
Studying for my GRE. Gotta get that master's degree!
The president is just a tradition, like a turkey - Patrice O'Neill
there are tanks on Route 76 what is going on ???!!
The bathroom smells like someone smoked in here. Bleh.
Swaggin' like a swagmaster.
I just paid $55 for gas. The F word.
I wanna see both Looper and Taken 2.
Why do nerds always need to draw attention to themselves? No, I don't give a shit that you listen to opera while you type. Get some headphones, ass.
Just watched 20 min of pres debate. I didn't know they let the nominees also be the moderators too. You learn something new every day :)
Mountain Dew. Diet Mountain Dew. Night and Day.
I've won so many games of Monopoly simply because I keep playing.
I'm always way behind the curve on video games, but Fallout 3 and New Vegas are freakin' awesome.
Apparently everyone and their great aunt is at Marc's today...sheesh...
Thanks friends and fans that came to the show tonight! New email list members - your free songs will come tomorrow! :)
is anyone taking video tomorrow at the Back to School Bash?
Batman Begins on blu-ray :)
I hate it when you tell people you're getting in shape and all they do is cut you down.
Raining when it's sunny is the coolest!
Think I'll switch the promo vid format on
http://ping.fm/oK6rw to Vimeo. It doesn't come up half the time!
Have you noticed that less than 2 exclamation points doesn't cut it anymore? I write a sentence w/ just 1 and people think I'm whispering!
Added some photos to my new post at honestkyle.com. Check 'em out!
I am NEVER including another cover song on an album for purchase again. The licensing fees are raping me...ugh.
I hate going to sleep. So unproductive.
If you took any pictures or video of us at Beardstock, please post them! I'd like to put them on my website!
Waiting for the rain to slow down so I can go into the gym.
Watching Concrete Cancer!
Heading down to Beardstock
Is anybody going to be shooting video at Beardstock?
Saw that new Taco Bell bowl today on tv. Yea, its just like Chipotle, but damn it... I have to eat it.
Black forest ham, put it on flat bread. Went to Subway bought me a sandwich. Throw some cheese on that bitch. Bought me a sandwich. Throw some cheese on that bitch.
Song stuck in my head today - Ass Back Home
Paris Hilton, please stop.
This work day needs to be over pronto.
Just bought two laser tag sets on eBay. Still need 10 more. My bachelor party is coming...
Song stuck in my head today - Can You Paint With All The Colors Of The Wind ...stupid brain
Happy Father's day! (Insert cliche joke about your dad sitting on his ass......so hilarious)
Don't tell me you need the newest tech to record your music. My album was made w/ PT 8 on a PC w/ Win XP. Boom.
I want to create something epic using all the cream from the inside of an entire pack of oreos.
Big Mac for lunch. Like a boss.
Playing some Fallout: New Vegas
About to scare the bejesus out of myself and watch Alien for the first time.
You know the amount of confusion there is over the "sport" curling? That's how much hatred I have for shaving.
Watching 8 Mile w/ my darling... Good evening ;)
Is your friend in a terrible band? Find out here!
Was vacuuming my apartment and caught a snag. There's now an 1/8th inch x 3 ft line missing carpeting. The F word.
X-men origins Wolverine is the best one so far.
When bananas are the perfect ripeness, it's hella amazing.
Gotta do some grocery shopping before I head home tonight. Running low on grilled chicken!
I like Captain America's older uniform better.
First weekend in awhile where I'm not setting my alarm. This is gonna be awesome.
I can't believe they canceled Awake! Bullshit!!
Had a good guitar session with Clay and John. Learning "Way With Words"! We'll pull the song together this weekend...
I wondering when Google+ will catch on. It's lonely in there.
Corn pops with chocolate milk isn't as good as I thought it would be.
Birthday burrito from Chipotle courtesy of my awesome fiancee!
Going to tell my mom Happy Mother's Day :)
Happy Mother's day everyone!
ADTR - Best breakdown phrases... "DISRESPECT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!"
Gym time. Squats, calf raises, and shoulder press.
The ATM at Marc's didn't spit out my 20s all facing the same way! It's a trap!
Often at work, I feel great about the efficiency I output, the progress I make, and the hard work that got me there. This is not one of those times.
Song stuck in my head today - Nicki Minaj Starships
Packing my lunch for tomorrow. Sandwich, banana, and a shaker bottle full of protein powder. Trying to get J@CK3D!!
You're watching a South Park episodes you've already seen 3 times. Damn it Kyle, just go to bed.
Had a good jam HK session learning "Falling Asleep" with John (guitarist)
So I almost didn't wake up today because I was dreaming about buying matching hats for me and my pet bulldog that I don't own in real life.
Hulk is my favorite. He's a real wild card...like Charlie Sheen pretends to be.

Not a bad license photo...
Yikes! Its raining harder than a mofo out there!
Grabbing confetti cake blizzards for when my fiancee gets off work :)
Dairy Queen time! Get me fat mutha f***a!
It's rare to see anyone doing the big 3 at the gym anymore. When I do deadlifts...apparently I'm a freak.
Two Hollywood phonies try to give me their autograph...GROUND!
Happy Birthday to the ground.
In a perfect world, I'd eat cheetohs all day err day.
Quitting time! Yabba dabba dooooo!
I feel like watching 8 Mile right now, but I doubt I'll want to later.
Band practice went well. Falling Asleep is coming strong!
Buying some ear plugs. It's gonna get loud today. (band practice)
They refer to it as flonkerton.
Going back in time. Watching The Office, seasoning 2! DUNDIES!!
I'm done visiting my parents now. They asked "was it something we said?" I answered..."always."
I need new bands to listen to. In the style of Rise Against/Four Year Strong? Suggestions?