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I'm really into listening to music that I forgot was so freaking cool this week. Here's another

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I still really enjoy this

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New Architects Video, "Day In Day Out"

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Since I'm held up from recording because of my drum software dilemma, I guess I can figure out the next guitar sound for my next tune.

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Wake the Lion Show Saturday! (Me Performing)

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New Trailer For Architects Jan 25th Release "The Here And Now"

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Why the frick doesn't new The Almost sound like their first album! I'm pissed! Aaron made a mistake...

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Eating blueberry pie and watching Sponge Bob Squarepants. Ballaaa.

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I loaded my iPod backup up with some classics from Midtown. Nice.

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Purple Are Forward practice tomorrow 'round noonskee. Bass that shizzy up.

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Time to practice the bass. Become somewhat adequate at this thing.

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So my drum program that I use for HonestKyle decided to die on me :( I won't be able to work on drums for Song 7 for a month now!

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New Blog Post: Music Is Getting Old Too Fast!

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