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Going to the Aldous Halloween show for a little bit today... then off to a partay with my fianceeee

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Since we're getting closer to Halloween, I'll share with you the scariest thing I found this week...

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Got MY vox done for the new song, now I'm just waiting on my lady friend to do her part...

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Gonna start laying down some vocals tonight for me new song!

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POLL: What have been the heavy-hitting prominent post-hardcore bands of 2010?... send me your opinions!

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The Band "The Ocean" was robbed while driving in Madrid. I hate hearing headlines like that :(...

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Heard the new Chiodos album today as well. Miss Craig's voice, but I wouldn't want someone who's gonna threaten suicide in my band either.

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I'm really behind on some new music. I started listening to the new Attack! Attack! album today. Eh...

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Got the first draft of lyrics done for the next song and I might have a title out of it... "Bulletproof"

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Underoath got 2 new songs up on their Myspace. Go now!

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Getting my hairs cut. Just the sides and the neck... cause I'm sneaking back into a long-haired being...

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My Website Has Officially Moved!

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Hey there guys,

In my last post, I mentioned how I was going to move my website... well that happened.

I now have my site hosted on my own piece of internet land (not Blogger's) so I have tons more options as to what I can do with this site.

So, there won't actually be any more posts happening at this site anymore. To continue following my posts and information, please go to the official HonestKyle site:

Hope to see you over there!


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Has anyone checked out the new Chiodos album? Illuminaudio...

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Question... is anyone still listening to Atreyu? I mean... the new stuff?

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Finished with music for song 6. I'll have the product thus far available for my email list very soon!! :)

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My Blog Is Moving To Wordpress!

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My homesite (this blog), I think has been going strong for the past few months, don't you? I really try to take practical steps towards marketing my music and that's why I got the semi-professional-looking logo up top, the glassy social network buttons on the side, and even a few album reviews that you can check out from the link in the top navigation.

However, most of these things, I actually had to do by hand with some custom HTML elbow grease.

And I really don't enjoy doing things that way when I don't have to.

Recently, I've been setting up a few blogs, for other reasons, using the WordPress platform, and I have to say that things are a heck of a lot easier over there!

I'm actually a software developer/engineer as my real full-time job so doing things with code isn't all that stressful for me. But it's kind of like, if you cook hot dogs all day long, do you want to go home and grill up some more wieners for dinner?

I wouldn't. I'm not bashing hot dogs though. I actually happen to like hot dogs and I did work at a hot dog restaurant for close to eight months. There's a fun little nugget for ya.

But I really like the WordPress blogging platform and I would encourage anyone that's thinking about getting into blogging to try this out and see what you think.

This blog is currently hosted by Blogger and I don't know if you're aware, but Blogger is owned by Google, yet, I'm quite confused as to why they're not totally dominating the blogging world since that seems to be what Google is best at. Dominating everything.

Speaking of Google, did you hear that they actually invented a car that can drive itself? No joke. I haven't looked this up yet, but my dad said that he saw a video of this self-driven thing weaving in and out of traffic.

I wonder how they programmed that thing to deal with road rage? A metal hand slowly rises up past the bottom edge of the window with its middle finger extended...

Then maybe it weaves around to the back of the other guy and latches onto the bumper for ten miles or so and finishes by using its loud-speaker system to scream offensive racial slurs when they pull into their parking spot.

Frickin' awesome.

I just want to let you know at this point that by moving my blog over to WordPress, the domain name won't be changing. I'm taking along with it so you'll still know where to find me.

But I'll more than likely do another theme change on this guy and give it some more pizazz.

Have a great day everyone, and let me know if you have any more information on that Google whip!


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Realizing the Betrayer Lyrics

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These are the lyrics to the third song that I wrote for my HonestKyle release entitled, Realizing the Betrayer

For those who don't know, I've been a lead vocalist in just about every music act that I've been apart of. Probably not because I'm the best because I happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Ironically though, I simply hate writing lyrics.

I'm being dead serious. It's so freaking hard! That's what she said. Occasionally, I'll get a topic and just completely nail it with some good imagery, and then other times...

...not so much.

But here's a song that I really tried to capture the essence of that defining moment when you realize that someone you care about stabbed you in the back. What you might have thought as visions of their past kindness flip through your mind.

I would really appreciate constructive criticism since it'll help me to hone myself into a powerful lyric-writing missile.

Without further ado... the lyrics to Realizing the Betrayer...

I weighed this up
And the blame is all on
The blame is all on you.
My god,
I can't believe you fooled everyone.

You made me love
Your mannerisms and witticisms
From your tongue.
Now you're the reason I'm left to rot.

You had loaded guns,
Raining bullets from hidden turrets.
I kissed the floor.

Your lies were blunt.
With false affection, you passed detection
And had room to run.
But you flew too close to the sun.

And now I'm taking off the gloves
Cause I think I know exactly what you need.
You think the trap you laid was tough.
You gained an ally, then you cut out both my feet.

And to think,
I once carried you home through the wind and the rain.
I gave you my strength when the rest turned away.

With baited hooks,
You lured me closer.
A master fisher with nets so strong.
You know I couldn't hold my breath that long.

So you stand and watch
Every motion and formed a notion to play along.
Don't give a damn about what you've done.

You know I couldn't hold my breath that long.

And now I'm taking off the gloves
Cause I think I know exactly what you need.
You think the trap you laid was tough.
You gained an ally, then you cut out both my feet.

I once carried you home through the wind and the rain.
I gave you my strength when the rest turned away.

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Our Last Night Video - The Devil Inside You

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I haven't been finding all that much interesting stuff to post here. I'm usually all click-happy and can come up with oodles of good things to post about current band events, but for some reason, none of it really excites me.

Nevertheless, here's Our Last Night's newest music video. I find that I'm usually stuck singing this tune after I listen to the entire album. Very catchy stuff. Enjoy!

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Damn It Usher! Why Is This So Catchy?!

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It's a heck of a lot better than OMG. Holy crap is that song annoying.

I think that he redeemed himself here.

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Re-Mixed and Re-Mastered Music Re-LEASED

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Who else out there is a perfectionist? If you are, you know how stressful we usually make our own lives.

I consider myself to be quite the perfectionist. Well, about some things. I really couldn't care less whether or not I do the absolute best job possible cleaning the lint filter on the dryer. The end result is pretty much the same.

However, I really do care a whole hell of a lot about my personal music that I present to you.

I mean, this is a solid representation of my personality, my thoughts, and my work ethic and if I don't nail this, I'm gonna call you back for a second date, and you're going to say to yourself "I don't date anyone that has a kick drum that out of balance in the final mix. Puhlease."

So what have I been doing all this time?

I seem to have a problem with writing in my blog or sending out e-mails consistently because of all the other things that are going on in my life.

For awhile there I was really big into finance. Has anyone ever read the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? If you haven't, I would highly recommend it.

It really gives you a new perspective on how to view making money. It doesn't cover everything, but gives a very good starting point.

So because of this book, I spent some time learning about the potential of my 401K, and made some neat changes in how I'm investing in it that hopefully will make me a millionaire when I retire.

(This is a hint for those of you that plan on sucking up to me later)

Plus, for all of you "music is my life" types of people, do you ever have a period, when you really don't want to listen to music at all? Because I think I went through some of that recently as well.

When I have a period of time that I just don't want to listen to anything, I usually stock up on tons of stand-up comedy albums. Oh boy, they're the best.

My favorites include Jim Gaffigan, Bill Maher, and Chris Rock. And I found that some stand-up comedians are just down-right painful to listen to!

Have you ever listened to Frank Caliendo's album, Make the Voices Stop? Ouch.

So yea, that's what I've been listening to recently. I did grab the newest release from Miss May I, Monument, only because I started listening to them before they got signed and I was very interested to hear their evolution.

Check out the video for their single Relentless Chaos:

That singer's voice on this tune is sick.

But let's talk about the subject line now.

I've still been working on my music and since I'm such an anal perfectionist I remixed and remastered all my previously released songs. (Not including the very rough ones from long ago)

And... all of my songs are up for FREE DOWNLOAD. Yea.

I know that for awhile, I had some of the songs allowable only for streaming and then the rest you could download, but none of that monkey business.

Please go to my Reverbnation page and download all of my newest songs again to get the power-housed remixed and remastered versions that are sure to have you creamin'.


I would like to discuss my future plans as far as releasing any more music. What's going to happen from now on is only going to be beneficial for those that are on my e-mail list.

I will be releasing more music, but it will only be able to be heard by those that are on my e-mail list and it will only be up for a limited time


You see, I want to give you guys the exclusive rights to listen to my newest un-publicly released material, but I would still like their to be some anticipation and excitement when I release all of my tunes collectively as an album later.

So I want to alert you right now, that I have a NEW song on my Reverbnation page that can only be heard by my e-mail list subscribers and it's only going to be up there for two weeks.

It's called Don't Bother and I encourage everyone to give it a listen while you still can! Plus, if you think that it sounds really good, you can encourage others to sign-up and listen as well so they can get in on the action.

But I wanted to let you all know that I'm still here and kicking. I'm just a perfectionist and have a difficult time moving forward and probably spend too much of my efforts perfecting the past.

We'll definitely be in touch (Hopefully in a more-consistent manner) and I hope that everyone has a fantastic week.

Feel free to leave me a comment or reply at any time :)


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